If you are using the latest version of WordPress 5.0 on your website then you must know that there is a new ‘Gutenberg’ Block Editor for creating posts and pages which comes with advanced features and functionalities. Most of the people are facing difficulties to use the latest features of a new ‘Block Editor’ on their WordPress website. This creates fretfulness among people that’s why they are looking for ‘How to use the old Classic Editor’ in the current version of WordPress. Furthermore, they are not ready to use the latest editor and it is one of the reasons they want to continue with the ‘Classic Editor’.
Gutenberg Editor is a newly released plugin that is being developed by the WordPress team to offer a great experience to their users. It comes with some additional features and functionalities where you can add or present the content in different blocks and it looks impressive. While the Classic Editor is an official plugin which is maintained by the WordPress team that is to be used to restore the previous (“classic”) WordPress editor and the “Edit Post” screen.
Yes, you can disable the Gutenberg Editor in WordPress 5.0 and switch back to the Classic Editor just by following the simple steps:-
Step 1
You need to Log in to your WordPress site as an administrator. Once you are logged in, you can see the Dashboard in your window screen.
Step 2
On the left-hand side of a dashboard, you can see there is a plugin option. Click on ‘Plugins’ > Add Plugin.
Step 3
Use the search bar tool (top right) to find the ‘Classic Editor’ plugin in the WordPress repository website. For the ease of users, ‘Classic Editor’ plugin is listed in the featured section as it is an official plugin maintained by the WordPress core team.
Step 4
Click on the ‘Install Now’ option to add a plugin in your WordPress website. ‘Activate’ the plugin, after the successful installation of ‘Classic Editor’.
Step 5
To activate the Classic Editor plugin, go to the ‘Writing Settings’ in your WordPress repository website. After then, you have to click on ‘settings link’ which comes under the ‘Classic Editor’ plugin listing. You can also do this from your WordPress dashboard just by visiting > Settings > Writing >. Finally, you can see that the plugin is activated.
Step 6
To switch back to the old editor ‘in WordPress 5.0, you have to select the ‘Classic Editor’ option which is listed in ‘Default editor for all users’ under the settings section.
In the future, you can change this from ‘Classic Editor’ to ‘Block Editor’ whenever you are comfortable to use the Gutenberg plugin on your WordPress website.
All done, now you can create new posts and also edit older posts by using the ‘Classic Editor’ in your WordPress Website or Blog.
WordPress team has confirmed that users can use the ‘Classic Editor’ plugin until 2022 or as long as necessary. Now, you have sufficient time to get familiarize yourself with the features and functionalities of the Gutenberg editor.
The latest themes and plugins are being released by the WordPress team frequently to deliver the best experience to their users. But, sometimes most of the people are not ready to adopt features and functionalities of the latest plugins as they have become habitual with the existing plugins and themes.
Many of the people are developing their websites in WordPress due to ease and convenience. According to WordPress.com the figure shows that more than 32% of the websites are running on WordPress which is expected to grow in the coming years.
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